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Midland Metro: Catalyst for Change LRC Leeds 2024The way forward showing the percentages of LR in urban Renewal West Midlands by Ian Anderson • The purpose of investing in LRT must be clear: the outcomes, aims and goals as this influences everything from the business case to the public perception. • The industry has a huge amount of knowledge, skill and experience in delivering safe and efficient LRT across cities – we need to retain this. • The industry needs a more consistent, forensic way of capturing, allocating and representing the costs associated with regeneration schemes enabled by LRT. • Currently circa 1/3 of the total cost is delivering regeneration - to unlock future schemes we need to consider the funding streams for the value for inner city projects. • As an industry, we need to cohesively present our case – not by city or by project, but by the overall benefits that LRT brings – a catalyst for RegenerationCentro West Midlands
Coventry Ultra Light Rail Project: Letter to Chairman Applrg April 2020Coventry Ultra Light Project: The Treasury Green Book – we need radical and timely changes to the way in which the Value for Money and BCR is calculated for non-highway schemes. WebTAG is no longer fit for purpose. One of the primary measures is travel time savings, which when associated with a new highway scheme makes sense. However, for schemes like VLR where priority is given to public transport there can be disbenefits to travel time for car users and this impacts on the viability of the public transport scheme such as tram or VLR in a disproportionate way. Centro West Midlands
Midland Metro: Andy Street Expansion announcement 4th Feb 2020Andy Street has unveiled a ‘Tube-style map of the West Midlands’, outlining his twenty-year ambition for Metro and rail lines in the region.Centro West Midlands
Midland Metro: New Street Running April 2016The Midland Metro is set to run to New Street station in Birmingham city centre from May 22Centro West Midlands
Midland Metro: Catenary Free Trams Feb 2016Midland Metro Catenary Free TramsCentro West Midlands
Midland Metro: End of T69 Trams Aug 2015Transport authority Centro and National Express will have a ceremony to send off the last T69 tram on Friday, following its final public journey. It will start its day at 6.04 am, from the Wednesbury depot, going to Snow Hill where it will start its service from 6.30 am. The tram will then run the 23-stop 13-mile route a few times before making its last trip carrying passengers at 11.10 am. Centro West Midlands
West Midlands: Ultra Light Rail EU funding Bid June 2015A bid for £13.9m of EU money has been launched to help fund a new ultra light rail link in the West Midlands.Centro West Midlands
West Midlands Explores ULR 6th Feb 2015The new rapid transit study for the West Midlands conurbation will study lower cost alternatives to light rail. The West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority announced proposals for a study of rapid transit connections between the Black Country and Birmingham last month Centro West Midlands
Midland Metro DfT U-Turn 02 April 2015Department of Transport apparent U-Turn The DfT is retaining control of the approval process for about 30 of the biggest local transport major projects in England, in a U-turn from previous thinking. Ministers had planned to fully devolve responsibility for local major transport schemes to Local Enterprise Partnerships under the Local Growth Fund regime that began this month. LEPs have had to develop assurance frameworks for ensuring that their projects deliver value for money. Centro West Midlands
Midland Metro Eastside Extention Route 28 March 2015West Midlands’ transport authority Centro has confirmed the route of the Midland Metro Eastside extension in Birmingham.Centro West Midlands
Midland Metro Depot Extension 6 Feb 2015 Morgan Sindall has completed a £13.8 million extension of Midland Metro’s Wednesbury depot. Part of a £128 million expansion of the light rail network, the project has doubled the size of the depot to support the maintenance of the operator’s new 21 Urbos trams. Centro West Midlands
Why choose Light Rail?

What is Light Rail & Trams today?

For public transport to become a force in dealing with urban congestion, carbon reduction, improving air quality and to be an attractive alternative to the car, it must be built quickly and operate affordably.

Some benefits:

  • Light rail systems have proven track record
  • Growing the public transport market
  • Creating modal shift in some cases 32%
  • Supporting regeneration , renewal and inward regeneration
  • Assisting in the creation off a new urban framework
  • An extremely green mode of transport
  • Will drastically reduce the nations carbon footprint
  • Can be used to re-engineer city districts
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